Kisumu Mission Preservation training.

AEE Kenya had the privilege of training over 70 preservation leaders in Kisumu ahead of the citywide mission scheduled for June 27th to July 7th, 2024. The training was held at the Triumphant Church, Nyalenda in Kisumu, with Rev. Capt. J. Soti, Missions Director, Elder William Muchiri, Social Transformation Manager, and Pst. Musa Ahinga, Missions Mobilizer, facilitating.
A diverse group of individuals, both young and old, registered and participated in the training. This made the sessions more participatory, as they could ask questions and engage each other in conversation. The trainers were eager to ensure that each participant got the most out of the training.
“The training has helped us identify areas where we were previously lacking and where improvements are needed. This self-awareness is invaluable as it allows us to reflect on our practices and make necessary adjustments for better outcomes. As a result of the training, we feel more equipped and prepared to implement the strategies and techniques we have learned. We are eager to put our newfound knowledge into practice and are confident that it will lead to more effective outreach and ministry efforts”. Bishop Dalmas Oleko-PEFA
Most participants acknowledged that the training was an eye opener to the entire concept of preserving new believers and the significance of follow up after the mission.
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