Bernard Receives Jesus during foxfire session.
Over the years, African Evangelistic Enterprise Kenya has collaborated closely with its partners to recruit young people for the youth empowerment programme. Most of our partners look forward to releasing these young people to us for training as they prepare for campus. Earlier this year, we observed one of these young individuals receive the Lord Jesus Christ during the session. We are grateful to the Lord for this fruit.
Bernard joined the programme through a collaboration between African Evangelistic Enterprise Kenya with Take Heart Africa. Because of his calm demeanour, he rapidly adjusted and fit right in with the rest of the team, and eventually was voted as chairman. In his application, Bernard stated that he was born again but wanted to learn more about salvation and have a stronger connection with Christ. A month later, at a one-on-one evangelism training, he understood that what he had thought of as salvation was not it.
“While we were learning how to evangelize, the facilitator, Senior Pastor of Open House Global Mission Church, took the time to walk us through the concept of salvation.” As I listened in, something struck me, and I began to question what I thought I knew about salvation. As the session progressed, I felt greatly convicted to submit my life to Christ from a position of understanding. However, I was caught up in an internal dilemma; I had just been elected as the team’s chairman, and everyone knew I was born again; how would the group react if I raised my hand and asked to be saved? On the other side, a voice whispered to me, “How can I lead this group as Christ if I don’t know him? I summoned the confidence to give my life to Christ, not caring who looked at me”.
Bernard enrolled at KMTC – Kenya Medical Training College in Thika, Kenya, on 26th March 2024, to pursue a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery. This is the earliest enrollment we’ve seen this year. We pray that the Lord will support him and use him as his ambassador in that institution.
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