Alfred’s experience at soweto, Kayole health clinic.

Alfred Wanyama woke up feeling extremely tired with high fever and weak joints. He tried taking regular paracetamols from nearby pharmacies, but nothing seemed to happen. He was unable to go to work the next day, so he decided to visit the nearby Hospital, which is only a few kilometres away. He arrived shortly before 9:00 AM and went straight to the queue, where he stood for hours, waiting to be called in to see the doctor.
By evening, he couldn’t take it any longer, he called his Pastor to ask for his help and prayers. After they spoke, he advised him to visit the Soweto Kayole Health Centre, Alfred says he was skeptical because of the size and infrastructure of the hospital, it didn’t look appealing according to him. But because he was in severe pain, he had no choice, he had passed by the clinic hundreds of times but never went in.
When he got there, the receptionist was very kind and welcoming to him. He was charged Ksh.100 for consultation. He saw the doctor who ordered a couple of tests to be done and the results came back in less than an hour showing he had Pneumonia. The doctor prescribed medication which he got from the in-house pharmacy.
“The entire process took me less than two hours. I realized how much I had undermined the clinic whenever I passed it. The staff took really good care of me for the few hours I was there. It has left a lasting impression on me. I came back today for the check up and I feel much better. My strength has returned. I am very grateful for the clinic staff and their dedication to the residents of Soweto Kayole”. He said.
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