Trauma and Healing for flood victims.
Through the Barnabas funding, we have been able to conduct a training session on trauma and healing for flood victims. The floods that occurred in April and May had a devastating impact on the lives of residents in Kibera, Mathare, and Kayole. This program has helped the church understand the need for trauma healing sessions in the aftermath of such events.
“I am so grateful for this kind of program. I believe that if we were provided with the materials you have been using, this would be extremely relevant for me as a pastor who addresses a variety of issues within my congregation. This has opened our eyes to the fact that we can continue to hold these sessions within our church community,” Pastor Shem, Living word Church, Mathare.
Anthony Mukholo shared his experience with depression and how it took a toll on him. He remembers the day they experienced heavy rains. All his property was swept away. After such devastating floods, his houses were demolished, leaving him homeless.
“I was a landlord with several houses, and they were all wiped out. I had to start paying rent, something I hadn’t done in a long time. I was so stressed I would easily forget things. I would pick up my phone to make a call and completely forget why I had picked it up. I even experienced a loss of hearing. There were times I would be crossing the road and forget I was in the middle of the street, needing to be rescued due to my forgetfulness.” He said.
Feeling desperate, Anthony wondered who could help him overcome his pain. “I kept asking who could help me escape this kind of depression, which I refer to as the hurt of the heart. I am so grateful that African Enterprise Kenya not only provided us with food something we appreciated as a family but also offered programs for support. I must admit that through this program, my perspective has changed, and I am now committed to helping my neighbors, who were equally affected. My plea is for more programs to be held to reach the residents in Areas 5 and 6, whose situations are even worse.” He added.

Participants engaging in a discussion during the Trauma and Healing session.

Pastor Oliver from Living Word Church praying for new converts during the Trauma and Healing session.

Pastor Oliver from Living Church, encourages the victims to take their pain to the cross, as Ann, the finance manager at AE Kenya also facilitates the session.
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Trauma and Healing for flood victims.
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