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40 ON 4B 2025

November 22, 2024 - January 15, 2025 Kes2500

Register and be part of this training designed to equip evangelists for global missions theologically and holistically

Use the link https://bit.ly/40on4B2025Registration

1. Pastors recommendation letter
2. A two page testimony of your spiritual journey with Christ
3. Registration fee of 2500/-
4. Availability for both online and physical based on the arrangements with your cohort or church group.
5. Ability to read and write in English ( High School certificate necessary for those who wish to advance)
6. Registration is now open and ends on 15th January 2025.
7. The Session will commence on 5th February 2025. 7:30pm-9:30pm.
8. This will be a recurring program
9. No accommodation

Send your documents to [email protected] and copy to [email protected]g


November 22 - January 15, 2025
Event Category:


+254 722 621 307


All of Nairobi
Nairobi, Nairobi Kenya
+ Google Map
+254 722 621 307

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